Friday, March 16, 2012

All Eyes On Michigan Primary!

Ok everyone, this blog will be brief but to the point!
I am urging all Democrats to cast their vote for Ron Paul in the Michigan Primary scheduled today.   Paul is the mainstream Republican candidate that can upset Mitt Romney from winning in his home-state. "He's the only candidate to bring us together while the rest divide us apart."  Polls have suggested that Paul has no chance in the Michigan Primary.  However, that hasn’t stopped the Texas Congressman from campaigning strongly here.  Paul has been spotted in Detroit to the suburb which is an excellent approach for attracting potential voters.
Please note you can still vote for a Democrat in the general election.  Voting for a Republican candidate now will not alter your political position in November.   This is just a clear political strategy to stop Republican front-runner Romney from winning Michigan.  Let’s stand together and vote for Ron Paul on today.  Will you join me?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Rise & Fall of Herman Cain

No one will be casting his or her vote for the Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain.
Cain made a public announcement on this past weekend that we he was suspending his campaign for the Republican nomination for President.  With the recent sexual harassment allegations and thirteen-year affair with an area Atlanta businesswoman, Cain had no choice but to drop out of the race.  Cain stated, “His campaign simply could not survive allegations of consensual relationship.”

Despite Cain shortcomings, the fact of the matter remains; he became a likeable presidential candidate. He won the very first Republican debate, captured potential voters in crucial electoral states, and created the 9-9-9 plan which some say (including myself) was a resourceful plan, but lacked substance because it would have raised taxes on a vast percentage of U.S. households.

Unfortunately, Cain’s fall from Glory became a detriment to his supporters, and the underlying question is where will Cain’s supporters go from now? Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney are the next prominent Republican candidates ready to emerge in the polling states. I’m sure they are hoping to appease Cain’s supporters.  Only time will tell!   

Saturday, January 7, 2012


It's 2012! And its time to blog about this public boxing match called the "2012 Campaign". 

Let us begin and be entertained!